Butterstile Primary School

Butterstile Primary School

Nurture - Inspire - Achieve

School Grove, Prestwich, Manchester M25 9RJ


0161 798 5680

Welcome to Butterstile Primary School


The Butterstile Safeguarding Team

  • The designated safeguarding lead: Stefanie Wilson
  • The deputy designated safeguarding lead(s): Karen Edwards and Debbie Bennett
  • The designated governor for safeguarding: Heather Walton
  • The designated lead for looked after children: Julia Critchley and Debbie Bennett 


If you are concerned about a child’s welfare, please record your concern and report it to one of the safeguarding team as soon as possible. Please do not conduct your own investigation.

If your concerns relate to the actions or behaviour of a member of staff, then you should report this directly to the Headteacher who will consider what action to take. If the concern relates to the Headteacher, report to Sarah Martin (Chair of Governors).

Useful Documents
Please click the links below to access school and national documents.
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