Butterstile Primary School

Butterstile Primary School

Nurture - Inspire - Achieve

Reception 2025 Open Day Wednesday 20th November - see below

School Grove, Prestwich, Manchester M25 9RJ


0161 798 5680

Online Safety

Parental controls

Children will not automatically know how to use mobile phones, games consoles, apps and social media safely and responsibly.  They will need to be shown how to do this and not teaching our children how to be safe online can place them at risk.

As well as teaching our children how to be safe online, there are also certain measures that parents/carers can put in place to help manage their child’s online activity safely, sensibly, and responsibly.

This means that you can stay in control of what they see and do online, especially while they are learning.

Parental controls are a great way of ensuring your child only has access to age appropriate material online and restricts their access to prevent them from seeing or downloading anything that you might not consider appropriate. 

Although they can provide you with some reassurance and control, they do not replace the need to regularly check your child’s devices and talk to them about their online activity, so you can be confident that they are safe in the digital world. 

Please click on the link below for guidance and advice on how to use parental controls to keep you child safe online.


Parental Controls Information





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